Highlawn Pavilion is located at 1 Crest Drive in West Orange, NJ
It is about a 25-minute drive from the Short Hills Hilton
You can find a map, directions and important information on which address to put in your GPS here.
If you are traveling from NYC by train, take NJ Transit to South Orange station. It is a 15–20 minute, $15–20 Uber ride from South Orange station. NJ Transit schedules can be found here.
The bat mitzvah ceremony will be held at Highlawn Pavilion and starts promptly at 7pm.
It will be followed by the party, which starts at 8pm and ends at 11:30pm.
If you are traveling from NYC by train, take NJ Transit to South Orange station. It is a 15–20 minute, $15–20 Uber ride from South Orange station. NJ Transit schedules can be found here.
The bat mitzvah ceremony will be held at Highlawn Pavilion and starts promptly at 7pm.
It will be followed by the party, which starts at 8pm and ends at 11:30pm.